Aug 28, 2012

"Wishing for a dream"

Close your eyes, my love.
Go to sleep.
The Land of Nod awaits.
Your dreams will take you

Aug 21, 2012


I wonder how many lists & notes that I need to write before anything gets done?

I know that I need to take babysteps, but that first step scares the crap out of me.


It's all too much for me to handle.

I just can't do it all alone.

I always feel alone.

I know that I'm not alone, but that rarely makes a difference.

Aug 8, 2012

Losing myself in fiction

I haven't been writing anything of importance lately. I have been diving into the Delicious world of nighttime soap TV and corny romance novels. It is my curse and a blessing to have someplace to go to get away from what I know that I should be doing.

Okay, so I know that my goal (as it always has been) is to write a novel. I have had this as one of my goals for a long time. However, it is now my central goal. Not because it is the next big thing that I want to do, but because it is going to take a awful long time to finish. Or should I say start.

How to write a novel:
Step 1: get out and live
Step 2: write about what you know
Step 3: get it published and become world known

I started the leg (should that be finger) work when I started this blog. But as I often do, I lost sight of my goal and focused to much on the details. I do not need to write my novel this year, but I do need to write. I also need to get paid, because life isn't free & I do not have a trust fund.

So, I'm writing. I'll just call my fictional guilty pleasures research/inspiration.