Jan 29, 2016

Judging and Mental Health Sigmas

My life has been rocked. The news that I received just two months ago changed the way that I look at myself and the world around me.

Mental health sigmas are real, alive and - BULLSHIT! There are many people that deal with mental health issues from depression to bipolar disorders and everything in-between. By judging a person based on their mental health diagnosis is like judging a person for having hyperthyroidism. 

I have always hated when people judged my cousin for her mental health diagnosis. She deals with enough stress just living with her disorder! 

I have seen people attack a dear friend and call her stupid when she is deaf in one ear and suffers from seizure disorder. After a seizure, she is in a mental cloud and have been treated very poorly because of it.

Jan 5, 2016

"The cavern"

Dark, damp, echoing
A cavern dripping with sentiment 
     and confusion 
Edges raw, scarred

Cold rushes from deep below
Eternal fathoms

Dark, damp, echoing
A place soaked with emotion
      and solitude
Freedom come from a small opening 

Searching and grasping
I find my way