I find myself bound by a boundless abyss of thoughts and words
There is a voice in my ears... the music fills my soul
but I am empty
Where are the words going?
where do they come from?
why do they mock me?
Bound by words
I do not know
My theory is that
there is endless verse somewhere inside of me
The music distracts
How do I find this verse?
How do I find my way through the words?
Where am I?
Where are the words?
I just can compete with a boundless supply of verse
Pandora's box is open
and my ears weap
my eyes bleed
I cannot take this distraction - life
To live is to write
to write I must pause
stop living
Stop and breath
Trivial things cloud my boundless verse
I find myself being quant and its useless
Bored of monotony
Bored of monotone thought
Wake work wrecked
Weekend warrior
Boundless words
Boundless verse
Boundless crap
I am being - what's the word - boring?
Quant? - I said that
Trivial? - I used spellcheck
Trite? - Isn't that a fish?
I am a boundless soul, bound by my verse.