It has been over a year since I have last posted. There are so many things going on in my life, but I don't blog the way that I used to - back in the day of MySpace. Ah, MySpace. I am not ashamed to say that I miss that glitter filled wonderland of social media. My page with its own sound track & yes, you must listen to my music when visiting my page. But, really, I miss the ease of having a blog right there on my social media. Now, it's 140 characters & studies prove that people won't read long posts (my own reading of my news feed proves this point).
I have this odd habit of starting new blogs. I currently have 2 other blogs that lay dormant & somewhere in the vast space of the inter-nets, I have a blog that I started before social media was a coined term; long before Facebook or MySpace. In the area of dial-ups and AIM, I had a blog. I miss my journaling for the masses. Because really, that is what this is. Self-release to the public.
Ah... I found a list (you know how I love lists)
I miss so many of those things and some not at all... it is missing ICQ and then there was GeoCities *sigh*
I wonder if I am now blogging in a early 2000 style. It feels old school to me. 15 years ago is old school, but that makes me want to cry for a different reason. I have been on a computer since 1987. Let's not talk about old school computer stuff, people, I started with DOS.
So, what is THIS blog? My issue lays in the original collection of entries on this blog. It was created as an outlet for my creativity. I don't need something, so... limiting *eek* but I do need my blog. I guess that having one or two readers wouldn't be so bad either. I know that Beth, Ron & Crystal will be out there somewhere - at some point. Ron, what was your favorite blog platform? What do you guys miss from years on the internet?
For now, I say good-night. Soon I will write more. Soon.