Feb 21, 2016

About pain and food.

My pain radates throughout my body. The right side of my body screams with pain. Some days are worse than others. Today is a bad day. So, what does one do?

Today, being Sunday, I was able to rest/sleep and ice my sore spots on and off all day. But there are days, when it is unbearably and I have so much to day. These are the days when I am in a very bad mood.

I can't shake this feeling that my body hates me. Again.

There was a sweet spot when I was able to walk a couple of miles or workout along with my favorite video. I felt better about myself, as a person and my body as the vessel for my being. I began to understand that my body didn't hate me, but hated what I did to it.


Feb 6, 2016

The power of thought and fruit

"What you resist persists," stop and just let that sink in. Carl Jung was either being brilliant or rediculous when he said this. 

Our thought have power. Wait! Our thoughts have power? How? No, this must be bullshit. 

I call malarkey.  

If I think of a banana right now, a banana won't materialize out of thin air and neither will money, love, or x,y,z. 


If I think of a banana for 5 minutes a day for a week, what do you think my chances of going to a grocery store and NOT buying bananas are? 

Seriously, obsessing over the negatives in your life is like trying not to buy bananas. If this blog is resonating with you at all or if you are hungry, right now, I bet that you are thinking about bananas.  

Go ahead, try not to think about a bright yellow banana, sweet and tender. 

I dare you!!!!

Double dog dare you!!!!

Negative thoughts are like not thinking about bananas. Once you get them stuck in your head they pop up whenever they want to. In a meeting - banana! In the shower - banana! Driving home from work - banana! 

These negative thoughts are just thoughts, though. Just like thinking about bananas isn't the same as holding a ripe banana in your hand, but I bet that thinking leads to doing. In this case you are probably going to be buying or eating a banana really soon. 

Thinking leads to actions. It's the same with any thought. 

Positive thoughts lead to positive actions. 

Negative thought lead to negative actions. 

What makes this concept so hard to grasp? "What you resist persists!" Resisting something takes a lot of thought and effort. Try not to think about a banana! 

Damn it!

I'm trying to keep you from thinking, buying and eating bananas here. I am failing. 

Resisting something takes energy. Energy is a constant it is neither created nor destroyed. Resisting something takes energy from you and puts it out into the universe. This energy will bounce back at you, at some point.  

Who did I lose? This isn't easy: this isn't hard. Try not to think about a banana, but do so because you want an orange. 


Resisting needs to be countered. To stop the negative thoughts, replace them with what you want/need. Think of oranges, the sweet and almost sticky smell. Think of the smooth but ruff skin that is thick and protective. Think of the juicy, tangy, sugary flesh that explodes when you bite into it. 

What is a banana again? 

By replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts, you can open the world for yourself. 

Your thoughts lead your actions. Remember this and go get some fruit.