Feb 21, 2016

About pain and food.

My pain radates throughout my body. The right side of my body screams with pain. Some days are worse than others. Today is a bad day. So, what does one do?

Today, being Sunday, I was able to rest/sleep and ice my sore spots on and off all day. But there are days, when it is unbearably and I have so much to day. These are the days when I am in a very bad mood.

I can't shake this feeling that my body hates me. Again.

There was a sweet spot when I was able to walk a couple of miles or workout along with my favorite video. I felt better about myself, as a person and my body as the vessel for my being. I began to understand that my body didn't hate me, but hated what I did to it.


I was brought up with vegetables on my plate and fruit for snacks. But it was also the 80s/90s and we had McDonald's and quick boxed meals. All of the food shoved in our faces from the early 70s until very recently has been so very bad for us. Chemicals preserve food, making its shelf live and price very consumer friendly. These chemicals are very bad for our bodies.

Our bodies need fresh, unprocessed foods. The stuff that doesn't ship well and rots on the shelf. This means they are more expressive. So, you have the issue of paying to eat well or eating on the cheep and destroying your body. (Now, some people really don't have the choice. They really are stuck with the option of buying a few pieces of fruit or vegetables or going to a fast food place and getting a value meal that can feed their family for $12.)

My struggle with food comes from an emotional place. We are a family of eaters. We eat in good times. We eat in bad times. There was always dessert around. Candy, too. I didn't even think about asking. I took whatever my little tongue/brain wanted. SWEETS.

Okay, let's back things up to way before when my ancestors were hunting and gathering. Their bodies were pre-programmed to crave high caloric foods. It made sense. When you don't know where or when your next meal is coming from... Pile on the pounds when you find a gold mine of high caloric food.

So, I want sugar because of my hunter/gather ancestors.

I wish that we could devolve to crave high fiber, low caloric food that are more adapt to our current seditary lifestyles. But, alas, we have yet to do so.

That means that we fight with our cravings. And sugar is the enmy.

Why am I so against sugar?

Sugar feeds all the bad things going on in our body. Excess fat. Cancer. Pain/Inflamation.


Stop. Wait a minute.... I just said that sugar is basically the devil of nutrition. I actually stand by this statement. Sugar is evil.

It only tastes good because of the hunter/gather genes left over in us. It really has no place in our modern diet.

Why do you think that you need sugar?

I've done a sugar cleanse and took out added sugar from my diet. I felt great and didn't miss that evil high coloric food one bit. Actually, I was repulsed and got sick the first time I ate sugar after a month-free. (Why did I go back? Tradition. It was a piece of my mom's birthday cake.)

My goal is to be healthier and I know that means killing my sugar addiction, yet again. Otherwise, I will be stuck a slave to the beast.

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