Oct 24, 2015

People watching

Sometimes people watching can be dangerous for your sanity. I am sitting waiting for my daughter's class to end & listening to the incessant prattle of two neurotic fools. I was trying to read but as soon as they sat down, I knew that there was little chance of me being able to concentrate. The best part of the scenario is that we are in a very large room & they sat two seats next to me.

Everything that comes out of their mouths is this is stupid that person is a retard. It's is enough to make me want to scream. They are talking about everything from stealing WiFi to their kid taking their phone and calling 911 (oh they thought it was funny because they have a fake name on the phone). Now they are knocking American cars & the people making them. It's enough to make me cry. 

People are different, I get that; but when people are close minded and rude, it really irritates me. There is too much information out there for people to be so ignorant. There has been too  much fighting for our freedoms, to throw it in our faces. 

I am an opinionated person, but one that doesn't feel the need to prattle on about the entirety of what's wrong with the world. 

There is no reason to have so much anger directed randomly at everything. I don't understand how people can live like that... I wonder about people's home lives. Yelling, screaming, belittling each other... How is that love? Why is that acceptable or even desirable? Love isn't about saying your sorry all the time, love is saying thank you! 

Life is so much more. It hurts my heart to think about all the people out there that cannot see through their own bullshit to see the beauty that the world has to offer. 

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