Mar 5, 2011

"The others" part 2

The room was bright with the evening sunlight. I was breathless. There was so much color. It was everywhere. I don't remember ever seeing a High School Art Room that was so vibrant.
"Please, come in," he beckoned me into the room.
I smiled and felt my face blush. I was starting to get flustered. The room was warm and welcoming; I never wanted to leave.
"Ann, your new here. Right?" Sean's smile creped across his face, "I mean, I haven't been missing you for a whole month. Have I?"
"I'm a substitute." I felt like a little girl, like I was still in High School. It was a strange contrast from Ms. Marky, the take no nonsense substitute teacher, that I had been playing all day. I was mousy. I was shy. I was not myself. "It was my first day here. They have me bounce all over the district."
"Okay," he paused and smiled at me again. I wasn't sure if he was trying to put me at ease, but I felt my pulse quicken.
"What about you? How long have you been teaching here?"
"I just started this year. I was worried that I had missed out on meeting you."
I felt completely out of my mind. Why did he keep saying that? What was he doing? Flirting? Teasing? Just being friendly? I couldn't find the words to express myself. I didn't want to sound stupid.
"No, I'm just a substitute." I failed; I sound stupid.
I started to look away from him because I just didn't know how to handle this strange meeting. My eyes drifted along the students' pieces on the walls, shelves, windows and tables. Then I saw it, on his desk.
The object was something that I have seen before, but it looks old - really old. I slowly, very slowly walked over to the statuette. It wasn't big, maybe the size of my soda bottle. I leaned over getting a closer look. It was the color of sand and the top looked Celtic. I was about to touch it, but stopped myself. Really, what was I doing?
I looked at Sean to see if he was pissed that I looked like I was about to rummage through his desk. He was smiling, watching me.
"Sorry, there are so many beautiful things in here." I tried to cover up my weirdness. "I've been rude. I should get going; I'm sure that you have lots to do."
"You look like your glowing in this light." he stepped forward and reached for my hand.
I pulled back. Men don't react like this with me. I am average, on a good day. Plus, he was being presumptuous; I do have a boyfriend, I spend most night sitting up and waiting for him.

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