Oct 28, 2012

"Pity Party"

Someone please throw me a pity party
My world isn't whole without your sympathies

I have it so hard
Much harder than most

My world could come crashing down
at any moment

Things are hard
Life is sour
Get on with it

Sep 20, 2012

Change and the house of flying nuns

Change is scary. I'm an adult & this is my biggest challenge, dealing with change.

It requires faith, humor & patients. I have all of these things & none of them. I throw my hands in the air because I can't really change anything. 

I am hiding because the change that I feared & wanted has arrived. I answered this change with additude & bad choices.

I hate the drama that I crave & create. I need the drama to inspire my words, but I secretely want a simple life. I want to stop hiding in the basement & live my beautiful life.

I hate change because, even after a beautiful day, I am cranky, irritable & hiding.

Sent from my Palm Pixi on the Now Network from Sprint

Sep 7, 2012

Looking for ideas

I am looking to write outside of my comfort zone. So, I am asking my readers/friends/followers/fans to submit ideas for a short story. I will write for you. I will post during the process and I will post the final product.

Will I write a story for you?
tweet it to me

Sep 6, 2012

Where does my rope end?

I have been under a great deal of stress lately. Now I have been wondering how far do I have to go to get to the end? My rope if way too long and I'm ready to drop. I can't hold on much longer and it won't be pretty if I fall.

Aug 28, 2012

"Wishing for a dream"

Close your eyes, my love.
Go to sleep.
The Land of Nod awaits.
Your dreams will take you

Aug 21, 2012


I wonder how many lists & notes that I need to write before anything gets done?

I know that I need to take babysteps, but that first step scares the crap out of me.


It's all too much for me to handle.

I just can't do it all alone.

I always feel alone.

I know that I'm not alone, but that rarely makes a difference.

Aug 8, 2012

Losing myself in fiction

I haven't been writing anything of importance lately. I have been diving into the Delicious world of nighttime soap TV and corny romance novels. It is my curse and a blessing to have someplace to go to get away from what I know that I should be doing.

Okay, so I know that my goal (as it always has been) is to write a novel. I have had this as one of my goals for a long time. However, it is now my central goal. Not because it is the next big thing that I want to do, but because it is going to take a awful long time to finish. Or should I say start.

How to write a novel:
Step 1: get out and live
Step 2: write about what you know
Step 3: get it published and become world known

I started the leg (should that be finger) work when I started this blog. But as I often do, I lost sight of my goal and focused to much on the details. I do not need to write my novel this year, but I do need to write. I also need to get paid, because life isn't free & I do not have a trust fund.

So, I'm writing. I'll just call my fictional guilty pleasures research/inspiration.

Jul 14, 2012

My 100 blog posting

I have been reading my old blog on myspace. It wasn't even my first blog. I didn't realize how long that I've been blogging, but it's over 10 years. So, this is - by far - not my 100 blog posting ever. Just # 100 here!

Still this is something to celebrate. I was hoping for 365 postings my first year here, but my project failed me.

I feel a strange emptiness in my writing after reading my postings from 7 years ago. I was unabashedly blogging out my life. Now I can't turn out a single blog without tossing the idea around for a few days. 

I wasn't going to make this a personal blog. It was for my writing, but there is nothing more personal than my poetry.

*Simple musings* that is what I called the blog after the project was ended. It's about time that I getting musing!

Your's truly, 
Melanie Ann

Jun 6, 2012


I am inspired, people. By the very blog that I created (& you are reading). A year of daily writing was too much for this busy mom, but I miss my studies of poetry. I miss school, really. Yes, I was one of THOSE kids. I liked school & now miss it, especially my studies in literary forms (i.e. poetry). I guess that there is some short stories that needs my attention on my computer.


I vow to you now, my random sprinkling of regular readers (that would be you, Ron), there will be much more writing in the near future. At the very least, I will find my old notebook from the project & input the poetry that I physically wrote but never posted. :)


Stretching to the limit
Limiting the stretch
Growing is hard
  when you are broken

Jun 2, 2012

"Job Search"

digging deep



with the world crumbing
around her
she stood up
she would not take it
she would stand
stand for something
holding her head high

Apr 26, 2012


Living and losing are hard to do.
A friend closed his eyes today and left us behind.