Dec 31, 2011
I think that I am missing something
Forgetting the importance of the night
Remembrance, reflection, relating
Ridiculous, ranting, raving
There is a word that people use
On this night - resolution
I think that I am missing something
Forgetting the importance of the word
Relevant, repetitious, resolutions
Maybe I am not the one missing it
Forget empty promises & live life
New Year,
Dec 6, 2011
The sun
I knew you, when the sun was brighter and warmer. I would bask in your light, as you shined, illuminating our home. You were brilliant! You were beautiful! You were amazing! You were my sun and I was your sunshine. These things cannot last long - they never do. I can't remember why you faded. I don't remember how or when. I do know that there is still a light inside of you - behind the pain. I remember you, shining like the sun. I remember sitting at your feet and dreaming of being everything that you were - then. I remember praying for your beauty to be passed down to me. I loved you like a flower loves the sun - following you, drinking you into me, growing off of your energy. But when a sun dies, it becomes a black-hole. I was sucked in. I was crushed. When you blackened, I lost my sun - not my love. Now I pray that I can shine upon you. I dream that we could shine together - for I love you - now and always, my sun.
A lost feeling
Eyes closed, just for a moment
it feels like slipping into the past
time-traveling in my living room
Advert my eyes from what is
and float back into that feeling
where optimism & hope live
The silence is beautiful, I miss it
every time I find it & I remember
the feeling of being alone & happy
Submerged in a pool of reminiscing
thoughts tend bubble to the surface
memories of self bursting in the air
Nov 8, 2011
Moving to a new state of mind.
I hate moving! I just wanted to get that out there, but I don't feel any better about it. I have been moving for the last month. It is horrible - the chaos & unruly laundry hampers everywhere.
My life is a big ball of stress and I have fallen into a stress-induced walking-coma. I'm here, the lights are on, but no one is answering the freakin' doorbell. The worst part is that I am in the attic, looking out the window wondering what's going on & why I can't find the door. Its hard to explain, especially since I'm not sure what is going on - its not an emotional roller-coaster, its an emotional blender. I have feelings a'la baby food.
Too many analogies? Maybe. But its important for me to try and explain the inexplicable- my mind.
My life is a big ball of stress and I have fallen into a stress-induced walking-coma. I'm here, the lights are on, but no one is answering the freakin' doorbell. The worst part is that I am in the attic, looking out the window wondering what's going on & why I can't find the door. Its hard to explain, especially since I'm not sure what is going on - its not an emotional roller-coaster, its an emotional blender. I have feelings a'la baby food.
Too many analogies? Maybe. But its important for me to try and explain the inexplicable- my mind.
Sep 9, 2011
A tongue lashing
Working with women is dangerous. I hate loathe working with all women. This is the kind of environment that breeds contempt, betrayal, viciousness & an ongoing onslaught of Mother's Natures Monthly 'Gift' - it is ugly, folks.
Flash back to my second assignment as an office 'temp' at one of a random bank's operations offices. I loved my job! It paid well; there was an opportunity for permanent placement & the work was easy.
Aug 25, 2011
American Gods
I'm reading another wonderful book by Neil Gaiman. However, it is scaring the ever living crap out of me. I'm not sure if it the vivid imagery of dead people walking around, the very detailed description of the gory gods or the ever present talk of the con & death.
Aug 20, 2011
rest less
Yearning for more
a desire to be
Floating through the fog
of exhaustion
Stretched too thin
No goals
no progress
no way out
rest less
An inch, too hard to reach
yearning for more
a desire to have
Wanting everything
reaching nothing
written on May 12th, 2011
rest less
Yearning for more
a desire to be
Floating through the fog
of exhaustion
Stretched too thin
No goals
no progress
no way out
rest less
An inch, too hard to reach
yearning for more
a desire to have
Wanting everything
reaching nothing
written on May 12th, 2011
Aug 14, 2011
The early end to my project
Much to my dismay & my readers disappointment, my project entitled 'a year with melanie ann' has been put to an early end. I was planning on writing every day for a year. But I have had too much life this year to keep up with the project. HOWEVER, this is a good thing (of sorts) because I am going to start writing again. Just not only fiction. I am full of opinions & would love to share them. Plus, I have a notebook full of fiction that I wrote for the project but didn't have time to blog. I think that this change will be for the best (for you my loyal fans/readers & for myself).
Jun 22, 2011
running on empty
thoughts floating
an overloaded mind
blank pages
missing letters
Apr 30, 2011
"Time to write"
Its time to write.
Get ready. Pen in hand.
Notebook open to a crisp, clean page.
Cuddle into a cozy chair
with a cup of hot tea.
Its time to write.
Just waiting for inspiration.
Get ready. Pen in hand.
Notebook open to a crisp, clean page.
Cuddle into a cozy chair
with a cup of hot tea.
Its time to write.
Just waiting for inspiration.
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Image: graur codrin / |
Apr 20, 2011
Photo by Melanie Ann |
My skin tightens and pulls on itself
Craving something to warm me
Clawing at the blanket
Little nubby bumps flick my arm hair straight
Creating a space to feel truly warm
Considering a wet-warm shower
My fingers are frozen from flying across the keys
Crazy creatures canvasing cyberspace for a caveat of a cold-front
Apr 15, 2011
"So quiet, so still"
The silence stings my ears
so quiet, so still
Alone with my thoughts
so quiet, so still
My mind wanders between a beautiful peace
& earth shaking uncertainty
Fear often takes over in the silence
I am frightened of it all
so quiet, so still
Someone rescue me
so quiet, so still.
Apr 7, 2011
"Saying goodbye"
Lay your flowers on the dirt
Water them well with your tears
It will never be enough to simply miss her
Your heart is too scared to beat again
horrified to lose her, again
Words fail as your tongue is humbled
The wind wraps around you
hugging you one last time
Her life goes on through your memories
Be strong, hold her high
Say good-bye
Water them well with your tears
It will never be enough to simply miss her
Your heart is too scared to beat again
horrified to lose her, again
Words fail as your tongue is humbled
The wind wraps around you
hugging you one last time
Her life goes on through your memories
Be strong, hold her high
Say good-bye
Apr 1, 2011
Mar 31, 2011
"The maze"
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Time is no friend to us,
not at all
Bumped and bruised
We feel broken
and used
Twisted and torn
There is no hope for us
from the day we were born
Life us a tumultuous maze
We were dumped there
until the end of days
Our anger is burning,
our mind is caught a blaze
We scream and cry out
for our freedom we mourn
Spun in circles,
we are distant and confused
Distraught and alone
since our debilitating fall
Mar 28, 2011
Mar 27, 2011
"Good morning"
Sunlight bursts through an open window
Golden rays dance on my face
A welcome invitation from the Land of Nod
The soft embrace of a new day lures me out of bed
Golden rays dance on my face
A welcome invitation from the Land of Nod
The soft embrace of a new day lures me out of bed
Mar 26, 2011
A bird sits on an empty hand - waiting
Fluffing her wings - wondering
Calling out with a sweet song - worried
"Will he ever notice that I am a gift,
to be loved,
cared for, and
Fluffing her wings - wondering
Calling out with a sweet song - worried
"Will he ever notice that I am a gift,
to be loved,
cared for, and
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Simon Howden / |
Mar 25, 2011
Beautiful angel
Spread your wings, fly to heaven.
Let love guide you home.
Spread your wings, fly to heaven.
Let love guide you home.
Mar 24, 2011
"Love, peace & happiness"
Wondrous light
Shine upon us
Guide us to a place of
Fill us with unending
Remind us of the power of
Shine upon us
Guide us to a place of
Fill us with unending
Remind us of the power of
Mar 23, 2011
"Tapping on the keyboard"
Inspiration lagging
tap, tap, tap
Formation of words
Dancing in my head
tap, tap, tap
Swashing ideas
tap, tap
Mindfully ignoring
My greatest thoughts
tap, tap, tap, tap
Stories are fleeting
Characters running
Fragments of my imagination
tap, tap, tap
Is this really the end?
tap, tap, tap
Formation of words
Dancing in my head
tap, tap, tap
Swashing ideas
tap, tap
Mindfully ignoring
My greatest thoughts
tap, tap, tap, tap
Stories are fleeting
Characters running
Fragments of my imagination
tap, tap, tap
Is this really the end?
Mar 22, 2011
Fugaciouly flittering forward,
floundering for forgiveness.
Fervently fighting for favor
from fancied former flames.
Falling face first,
flopping franticly for firm foundation.
Frenzied fool!
floundering for forgiveness.
Fervently fighting for favor
from fancied former flames.
Falling face first,
flopping franticly for firm foundation.
Frenzied fool!
Mar 21, 2011
"Lamentations 1:9"
"She did not consider her destiny;
Therefore her collapse was awesome;
She had no comforter."
falling without love
blackness swallows her
tumbling within herself
unable-to swallow truth
living with no regard
to heaven.
Mar 20, 2011
Perfect love
Energizing my soul
A beautiful moment
Creating memories
Enjoying every day
Energizing my soul
A beautiful moment
Creating memories
Enjoying every day
Mar 19, 2011
Silken wind caresses my check
As the sounds of spring float to my ear
Crying out in the night sky
A solitary hawk flies above my head
The air is electric with anticipation
Waiting for a sign, for an answer to prayer
I finally feel at peach
As the sounds of spring float to my ear
Crying out in the night sky
A solitary hawk flies above my head
The air is electric with anticipation
Waiting for a sign, for an answer to prayer
I finally feel at peach
Mar 18, 2011
"Haunting the night"
The wind feels like silk across my face
A lone hawk cries out in the night
Majestic trees black against the soft blue sky
Gravel crunches beneath my feet
I become a shadow, stalking the stars
But with a starless sky, I simply haunt
A lone hawk cries out in the night
Majestic trees black against the soft blue sky
Gravel crunches beneath my feet
I become a shadow, stalking the stars
But with a starless sky, I simply haunt
Mar 17, 2011
"The ghost in the hallway"
The ghosts in the hallway treated her to a very unhappy surprise
As she stumbled and tumbled down to the ground
Her eyes flashed up and asked them why
They tormented her with each memory
And every time she searched for the answer
They stole her ecstasy with swift and mighty blows
She would never feel the joy of being found
Forever must she be lost to the ghost in the hallway
As she stumbled and tumbled down to the ground
Her eyes flashed up and asked them why
They tormented her with each memory
And every time she searched for the answer
They stole her ecstasy with swift and mighty blows
She would never feel the joy of being found
Forever must she be lost to the ghost in the hallway
Mar 16, 2011
Free as a child dancing in the sunlight
I float above the world in my dreams
They bend and move along with me
My saccharine dusted wishes
Find me here, in the Land of Nod
Mar 15, 2011
Mar 14, 2011
"There once was a lady named Steve"
There once was a lady named Steve,
In much she did not have to believe;
She fell on the floor, and cried out, 'no more'
That is when she took her leave.
A Limerick in honor of St. Patrick's Day.
In much she did not have to believe;
She fell on the floor, and cried out, 'no more'
That is when she took her leave.
Mar 13, 2011
"My body speaks"
My body screams
Pain & blackness fills the spaces
Between thought & feeling
There is a hole inside of me
Glowing red with sparks of furry
Alive with agony
My body is arguing
With my soul & spirit
By putting up physical blockades
My body speaks
In a voice loud & clear
But I cannot understand a word
Pain & blackness fills the spaces
Between thought & feeling
There is a hole inside of me
Glowing red with sparks of furry
Alive with agony
My body is arguing
With my soul & spirit
By putting up physical blockades
My body speaks
In a voice loud & clear
But I cannot understand a word
Mar 9, 2011
I am bored with these silly games.
Always wishing that it was my turn.
I burn for a chance to rise above it.
My hunger is everlasting.
I need to have, yet, another.
Please, may I have another.
I am bored with waiting.
Someone quench my thirst.
I am bored.
Mar 7, 2011
the start wasn't that far from the beginning
I was wondering who was going to step up
and save me
I really don't need you to
save me
I can't stop thinking about where
I screwed everything up
I screwed up
it is impossible to deal
I cannot deal
with these redundant issues
over and over
and over
I am broken
Mar 6, 2011
"The others" part 3
“Let me show you something,” Sean smiled as I pulled away from him.
Maybe I was the one being presumptuous, so I followed him. We stopped at a wall of slotted cubbies.
“Here are more drawings by the student that you noticed in the hallway.” He pulled out a portfolio from one of the cubbies and started to show me the beautiful drawings that it contained.
So, I was being presumptuous. I was be silly and acting like a hormone raged teenager. He told me about the pieces and the art behind the beauty. The student was talented and Sean was charming. We sat and talked until it was dark.
“Where did the sun go?” I asked, laughing.
“You didn’t have anywhere to go. Did you?”
“No, I just never lose track of time like that.”
“Is it horrible?”
“No, it was refreshing. But, it is a school night, so I should probably get going”
We laughed. It was the laughter of old friends.
“Sean, I hope to see you soon.”
“Then I will make it so.”
He kissed me on the cheek and squeezed my arm. It was a gesture that was innocent and intimate at the same time. I walked out of the room; I didn’t look back, but I could feel him watching me walk down the hallway.
I came slamming back into reality when I got to the classroom containing my things and the door was locked. I managed to find a member of the janitorial staff to open the door and gather my things. Just as I walked into the chilling evening air I got a text message.
“Where r u?”
It was from Mike, my boyfriend. I guess that I was missed. It was about time.
Mar 5, 2011
"The others" part 2
The room was bright with the evening sunlight. I was breathless. There was so much color. It was everywhere. I don't remember ever seeing a High School Art Room that was so vibrant.
"Please, come in," he beckoned me into the room.
I smiled and felt my face blush. I was starting to get flustered. The room was warm and welcoming; I never wanted to leave.
"Ann, your new here. Right?" Sean's smile creped across his face, "I mean, I haven't been missing you for a whole month. Have I?"
"I'm a substitute." I felt like a little girl, like I was still in High School. It was a strange contrast from Ms. Marky, the take no nonsense substitute teacher, that I had been playing all day. I was mousy. I was shy. I was not myself. "It was my first day here. They have me bounce all over the district."
"Okay," he paused and smiled at me again. I wasn't sure if he was trying to put me at ease, but I felt my pulse quicken.
"What about you? How long have you been teaching here?"
"I just started this year. I was worried that I had missed out on meeting you."
I felt completely out of my mind. Why did he keep saying that? What was he doing? Flirting? Teasing? Just being friendly? I couldn't find the words to express myself. I didn't want to sound stupid.
"No, I'm just a substitute." I failed; I sound stupid.
I started to look away from him because I just didn't know how to handle this strange meeting. My eyes drifted along the students' pieces on the walls, shelves, windows and tables. Then I saw it, on his desk.
The object was something that I have seen before, but it looks old - really old. I slowly, very slowly walked over to the statuette. It wasn't big, maybe the size of my soda bottle. I leaned over getting a closer look. It was the color of sand and the top looked Celtic. I was about to touch it, but stopped myself. Really, what was I doing?
I looked at Sean to see if he was pissed that I looked like I was about to rummage through his desk. He was smiling, watching me.
"Sorry, there are so many beautiful things in here." I tried to cover up my weirdness. "I've been rude. I should get going; I'm sure that you have lots to do."
"You look like your glowing in this light." he stepped forward and reached for my hand.
I pulled back. Men don't react like this with me. I am average, on a good day. Plus, he was being presumptuous; I do have a boyfriend, I spend most night sitting up and waiting for him.
"Please, come in," he beckoned me into the room.
I smiled and felt my face blush. I was starting to get flustered. The room was warm and welcoming; I never wanted to leave.
"Ann, your new here. Right?" Sean's smile creped across his face, "I mean, I haven't been missing you for a whole month. Have I?"
"I'm a substitute." I felt like a little girl, like I was still in High School. It was a strange contrast from Ms. Marky, the take no nonsense substitute teacher, that I had been playing all day. I was mousy. I was shy. I was not myself. "It was my first day here. They have me bounce all over the district."
"Okay," he paused and smiled at me again. I wasn't sure if he was trying to put me at ease, but I felt my pulse quicken.
"What about you? How long have you been teaching here?"
"I just started this year. I was worried that I had missed out on meeting you."
I felt completely out of my mind. Why did he keep saying that? What was he doing? Flirting? Teasing? Just being friendly? I couldn't find the words to express myself. I didn't want to sound stupid.
"No, I'm just a substitute." I failed; I sound stupid.
I started to look away from him because I just didn't know how to handle this strange meeting. My eyes drifted along the students' pieces on the walls, shelves, windows and tables. Then I saw it, on his desk.
The object was something that I have seen before, but it looks old - really old. I slowly, very slowly walked over to the statuette. It wasn't big, maybe the size of my soda bottle. I leaned over getting a closer look. It was the color of sand and the top looked Celtic. I was about to touch it, but stopped myself. Really, what was I doing?
I looked at Sean to see if he was pissed that I looked like I was about to rummage through his desk. He was smiling, watching me.
"Sorry, there are so many beautiful things in here." I tried to cover up my weirdness. "I've been rude. I should get going; I'm sure that you have lots to do."
"You look like your glowing in this light." he stepped forward and reached for my hand.
I pulled back. Men don't react like this with me. I am average, on a good day. Plus, he was being presumptuous; I do have a boyfriend, I spend most night sitting up and waiting for him.
Mar 4, 2011
"The others"
The last bell rang for the day, as the evening sun colored the hallway with yellow-orange warmth. I stood watching the last of the students clear out of the parking lot. I was a substitute teacher in a new school and found myself wandering in the sleepy hallway as I walked back to my assigned classroom for the day. I found myself lost somewhere down by the art rooms. The students' art work decorated the hall wall. I stopped to look at a drawing of a woman; it was stunning and she was beautiful. I was wondering who this woman was, when I heard a soft voice from over my shoulder.
"Its his mother," the voice answered the question in my head.
"She is beautiful," I replied as I turned my head, "and the student is talented."
My brown eyes met with the deep emerald eyes belonging to the man behind me. For a moment, we were lost. I felt comfortable, at peace like we have known each other all of our lives.
"I'm Ann," I introduced myself to him.
He smiled and said, "Sean."
That one word changed my life. I followed him into his classroom; I didn't have anything to do or anywhere to go. I could go home, to my empty house and wait. I stepped into Sean's art room.
"Its his mother," the voice answered the question in my head.
"She is beautiful," I replied as I turned my head, "and the student is talented."
My brown eyes met with the deep emerald eyes belonging to the man behind me. For a moment, we were lost. I felt comfortable, at peace like we have known each other all of our lives.
"I'm Ann," I introduced myself to him.
He smiled and said, "Sean."
That one word changed my life. I followed him into his classroom; I didn't have anything to do or anywhere to go. I could go home, to my empty house and wait. I stepped into Sean's art room.
Feb 23, 2011
"Princesses on parade"
Little girls turned into princess dolls.
Strut, prance, shake those hips.
Unnatural beauty,
pressed on,
sprayed on,
glued on.
These are little girls, not little dolls.
They are all princesses
on parade.
Strut, prance, shake those hips.
Unnatural beauty,
pressed on,
sprayed on,
glued on.
These are little girls, not little dolls.
They are all princesses
on parade.
Feb 22, 2011
"Niki" part 3 - Part 1 - Part 2
With that one word, I heard forks drop as everyone turned to look at me. The steam from the corn drifted off into the wind and I felt utterly exposed. Everyone knew that I sent Jason to jail and that he deserved it for terrorizing me the way that he did.
I felt like I was in the middle of a horror movie, a bad one, last summer. It even sounds like a bad horror movie. He stalked me; when he found me, he beat me senseless; he was a piece of shit. Now he was out of jail. Less than a year. He spent less than a year locked up after tormenting me for two years. Yeah, it seamed fair. I didn't want to tell anyone. I didn't want them to look at me the way that they were right now.
"What do you mean, he is back?"
Anna looked a bit scared. I'm not sure if she acts so protective over me because she introduced me to Jason or because she was the one that told me not to get to police involved. She was the one that knew him and said that he just loses his temper.
I don't blame anyone. I didn't even what them to know. I just want to sit quietly and look at the water. Why am I here at the cabin.
"I mean that when we all get back to town, he is out of jail."
Questions. Everyone came at me with questions, some rhetorical, most asking what I was going to do.
"What am I going to do?!?!"
Again. I stop everyone.
"This is shit! I'm not going to do anything! I moved on. I'm okay now. WHY would I DO anything?"
Screaming at the end, really put a stop to the friendly dinner.
"I'm going inside. To be alone. And no I'm not hungry!"
I never mean to take things out on my friends, the only family that I have, but they are there and cannot possibly understand. They don't get what I've gone through, but they still care. I don't know how to handle this news, so I can't expect them to understand.
I walked toward the cabin, when I didn't stop I heard everyone start talking again. At first it was low murmuring. But as my feet started to get damp from the evening dew on the grass I heard someone laugh. I was thankful that they were not going to spent the night talking about poor little Niki. I saw the evening star in the navy sky and closed my eyes to make a wish. - Part 2
With that one word, I heard forks drop as everyone turned to look at me. The steam from the corn drifted off into the wind and I felt utterly exposed. Everyone knew that I sent Jason to jail and that he deserved it for terrorizing me the way that he did.
I felt like I was in the middle of a horror movie, a bad one, last summer. It even sounds like a bad horror movie. He stalked me; when he found me, he beat me senseless; he was a piece of shit. Now he was out of jail. Less than a year. He spent less than a year locked up after tormenting me for two years. Yeah, it seamed fair. I didn't want to tell anyone. I didn't want them to look at me the way that they were right now.
"What do you mean, he is back?"
Anna looked a bit scared. I'm not sure if she acts so protective over me because she introduced me to Jason or because she was the one that told me not to get to police involved. She was the one that knew him and said that he just loses his temper.
I don't blame anyone. I didn't even what them to know. I just want to sit quietly and look at the water. Why am I here at the cabin.
"I mean that when we all get back to town, he is out of jail."
Questions. Everyone came at me with questions, some rhetorical, most asking what I was going to do.
"What am I going to do?!?!"
Again. I stop everyone.
"This is shit! I'm not going to do anything! I moved on. I'm okay now. WHY would I DO anything?"
Screaming at the end, really put a stop to the friendly dinner.
"I'm going inside. To be alone. And no I'm not hungry!"
I never mean to take things out on my friends, the only family that I have, but they are there and cannot possibly understand. They don't get what I've gone through, but they still care. I don't know how to handle this news, so I can't expect them to understand.
I walked toward the cabin, when I didn't stop I heard everyone start talking again. At first it was low murmuring. But as my feet started to get damp from the evening dew on the grass I heard someone laugh. I was thankful that they were not going to spent the night talking about poor little Niki. I saw the evening star in the navy sky and closed my eyes to make a wish.
Feb 21, 2011
Feb 20, 2011
"Niki" part 2 - Part 1
I sat there leering at the delicious banquet set upon the table. It smells of summer time and family; it makes me sad. I tried hiding behind the steam coming off the pile of sweet corn. My friends were immersed in conversation and digestion, when Jon looked over toward me. His glare made me feel uncomfortable, naked and exposed.
I sat there leering at the delicious banquet set upon the table. It smells of summer time and family; it makes me sad. I tried hiding behind the steam coming off the pile of sweet corn. My friends were immersed in conversation and digestion, when Jon looked over toward me. His glare made me feel uncomfortable, naked and exposed.
"Niki, why aren't ya eating?"
"I'm not hungry."
My voice is audibly wavering.
"You are always hungry. What the hell is going on?"
Everyone stops; Anna has sauce around her mouth, she looks like a vampiric clown. I want to laugh, but I stuff a fork full of potato salad in my mouth instead. They can't possibly expect me to answer a question like that with a mouth full of food. Right?
"Really, Nick? Tell us what's going on."
I freeze like a deer in headlights. All eyes are on me; I want to run. I want to scream, but these are my friends. We are a family, created in love and survival. I shouldn't been running from them; I should be running towards them. I stammer and stutter to find my words.
"Its bad, guys. Jason is back."
Feb 19, 2011
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Image: Tom Curtis / |
"You've got nothing to worry about, Niki."
I could have slapped her. But, Anna never knows what's going on. Its easy to give excuses to girls like Jenny, with her head full of air and all. It wasn't just her, nobody knew. How could anyone know? I never told them. This was my secret and my burden to bare. I would just laugh off their comments about my strange behaviors and topsy-turvy schedule.
"Anna, I'm over here."
"What are you doing? You missed the craziest game," she paused trying to gage my lack of interest "anyways, din is on and we are all starvin'."
"Yeh, my toes are all raisins, so dinner sounds good."
I picked up my shoes and followed Anna. The katydids broke out in song as we climbed the hill back to the clearing. It was a sad tune. I regretted coming along on this adventure when I saw my best friends lined along picnic tables laughing, eating and living. I was dead inside and they could no longer help me.
Feb 18, 2011
a sestina: "Understanding love"
How do I know that I love you?
It is unbearable for me to look inside.
But, I have this feeling that bubbles up,
Whenever you are near.
This is hard for me to explain or even understand,
With as much as I don't know, I'm certain that this is love.
Every part of my being screams of my love,
And the name of my love belongs to you.
Still, my actions can be cold, cruel and not easy to understand.
I may pride myself in expression, but this I keep locked inside.
The explanation of this enigma finds itself near,
Yet my tongue gets tired and I give up.
The confusion sets in, as feelings and actions get mixed up.
You have every right to question my love.
I fight myself, me feelings, my actions and whenever you are near
I make an effort to fight with you.
Everything gets so distorted and disfigured inside.
We suffer from the reaction of my mind's rejection of what it cannot understand.
I fight with myself, with you, with my feelings just trying to understand.
So often I get tired of trying and just want to give up,
And yet, I don't because I feel love for you inside.
I remember the moment I realized that you are the one that I love.
We took some time to figure out the world and I lost you.
It was so very clique; you left when I wanted you to be near.
How could I have known, that the whole time you wanted to hold me near?
I drew away even more because I just couldn't understand
That you needed me and I needed you.
We were damaged, broken and fed up,
As it had happened in the past, we were, again, failing in love.
Pushing on with guarded hearts, we struggled inside.
I fight with you when I am actually fighting a war inside
And all I can hope for is that the end of the was is near.
Its time for me to look to myself and learn to love.
I'm starting to get it, to understand,
When I push and hide, when I give up,
It is me that need love, because it has always been easy to love you.
I think that the love I wanted to hide inside
Was always waiting for you to be near.
Its time for me to understand that loving you means never giving up.
A sestina is a complex French verse that contains a specific pattern of word repetition. For more info on sestinas:
It is unbearable for me to look inside.
But, I have this feeling that bubbles up,
Whenever you are near.
This is hard for me to explain or even understand,
With as much as I don't know, I'm certain that this is love.
Every part of my being screams of my love,
And the name of my love belongs to you.
Still, my actions can be cold, cruel and not easy to understand.
I may pride myself in expression, but this I keep locked inside.
The explanation of this enigma finds itself near,
Yet my tongue gets tired and I give up.
The confusion sets in, as feelings and actions get mixed up.
You have every right to question my love.
I fight myself, me feelings, my actions and whenever you are near
I make an effort to fight with you.
Everything gets so distorted and disfigured inside.
We suffer from the reaction of my mind's rejection of what it cannot understand.
I fight with myself, with you, with my feelings just trying to understand.
So often I get tired of trying and just want to give up,
And yet, I don't because I feel love for you inside.
I remember the moment I realized that you are the one that I love.
We took some time to figure out the world and I lost you.
It was so very clique; you left when I wanted you to be near.
How could I have known, that the whole time you wanted to hold me near?
I drew away even more because I just couldn't understand
That you needed me and I needed you.
We were damaged, broken and fed up,
As it had happened in the past, we were, again, failing in love.
Pushing on with guarded hearts, we struggled inside.
I fight with you when I am actually fighting a war inside
And all I can hope for is that the end of the was is near.
Its time for me to look to myself and learn to love.
I'm starting to get it, to understand,
When I push and hide, when I give up,
It is me that need love, because it has always been easy to love you.
I think that the love I wanted to hide inside
Was always waiting for you to be near.
Its time for me to understand that loving you means never giving up.
A sestina is a complex French verse that contains a specific pattern of word repetition. For more info on sestinas:
Feb 17, 2011
Feb 16, 2011
"Status update"
F.R.I.E.N.D.S.: (F)ight for you. (R)espect you. (I)nvolve you. (E)ncourage you. (N)eed you. (D)eserve you and (S)tand by you.
Reality can NEVER be as good as your fairy tale...... your fairy tale will NEVER be your reality... unitl someone can prove me wrong Im so living on a cloud!!!!!
be who you are and say what you feel... because those who matter don't mind... and those who mind don't matter.
Ten nine eight and I'm breaking away...
I'm all dressed up and I'm ready to play...
Seven six five four and I'm all over you...
Counting three two one and I'm having fun...
*some times love is too deep and you get lost in the notion . im glad i got someone by side each and every day . good night. ily .♥
Some people live in such small minds, I mean worlds lol "Just sayin"
Right click left click the scroll the mouse..
Damn you russel stover! how am I supposed to know what flavor is in the little chocolates if you don't put the legend on the lid!?!?!?
Im starting to feel as if I don't really need an artificial friend. Or have I always been this way?
"Once more, with feeling"
This is a form of "poetry" that I learned in a college class that I took. Really! Its about putting together things that don't really belong together, but that have a something in common.
These are ten real status updates from some of my friends (and myself). (I left out the more personal updates for privacy reasons.) I'm hoping that I can find the notebook from that class as we did some really far out styles of poetry.
I am going to put some pages up with examples of my professor's work (he is a "Digital Poet") and links to other pages about poetry & a page explaining my project.
Reality can NEVER be as good as your fairy tale...... your fairy tale will NEVER be your reality... unitl someone can prove me wrong Im so living on a cloud!!!!!
be who you are and say what you feel... because those who matter don't mind... and those who mind don't matter.
Ten nine eight and I'm breaking away...
I'm all dressed up and I'm ready to play...
Seven six five four and I'm all over you...
Counting three two one and I'm having fun...
*some times love is too deep and you get lost in the notion . im glad i got someone by side each and every day . good night. ily .♥
Some people live in such small minds, I mean worlds lol "Just sayin"
Right click left click the scroll the mouse..
Damn you russel stover! how am I supposed to know what flavor is in the little chocolates if you don't put the legend on the lid!?!?!?
Im starting to feel as if I don't really need an artificial friend. Or have I always been this way?
"Once more, with feeling"
This is a form of "poetry" that I learned in a college class that I took. Really! Its about putting together things that don't really belong together, but that have a something in common.
These are ten real status updates from some of my friends (and myself). (I left out the more personal updates for privacy reasons.) I'm hoping that I can find the notebook from that class as we did some really far out styles of poetry.
I am going to put some pages up with examples of my professor's work (he is a "Digital Poet") and links to other pages about poetry & a page explaining my project.
Feb 15, 2011
Feb 14, 2011
"Ruby Slippers"
![]() |
Image: Tina Phillips / |
will never take you far
Gliding down the rainbow
moves things along quite slow
You have to take the first step
to see what happens next
add a little flare to it, a little pep
Don't stand and wait
for someone else to open the emerald gate
Ease on down to your own tune
grooving along you'll get there soon
Be your own hero, write your own story
its not necessary to read between the text
Create your own ending of glory
Feb 13, 2011
"Memories 2.0"
there is a pulse
a beat
in my memories
images flash in my mind
smells and feelings rise up
into the mix
another flash
a face
a place
an object
frozen in time
i can almost touch it
taste it
hear it
the fog of forgetfulness
starts to seep
away my memories
faded like old pictures
but i will hold on
a beat
in my memories
images flash in my mind
smells and feelings rise up
into the mix
another flash
a face
a place
an object
frozen in time
i can almost touch it
taste it
hear it
the fog of forgetfulness
starts to seep
away my memories
faded like old pictures
but i will hold on
Feb 12, 2011
If I just close my eyes I can go anywhere
drifting back to when things where so much easier
simply living and not worrying about how to think
there is a certain pulse, a beat that comes though with these memories
smells and feeling that drift up to the surface
its hard to be there in my mind because I start to think
if I can push the thoughts down and just live again in the memory
I can be there
anywhere I want to be
immersed in being what I was
innocent, happy, free and hopeful
memories are tricky
when happy moments suddenly make you sad
they are only memories
how life was at one time
how I was at one time
I must hold on to the feelings that flood in with these freshly squeezed memories
when I was innocent, happy, free and hopeful
I can see myself, as if watching a home movie
but mostly I see things just the way they were
untouched by time, by progress
if I dive deep into my memories, I can feel the fabric of my life
I can feel my surrounding, smell the air, hear the sounds, see the history
I can be in that moment once again
when I really push myself, I can get lost in my memories
I can get lost and really feel things again
really experience things again, the way that I want to remember them
memories: flexible, pliable, and willing to be molded
taking me anywhere
drifting back to when things where so much easier
simply living and not worrying about how to think
there is a certain pulse, a beat that comes though with these memories
smells and feeling that drift up to the surface
its hard to be there in my mind because I start to think
if I can push the thoughts down and just live again in the memory
I can be there
anywhere I want to be
immersed in being what I was
innocent, happy, free and hopeful
memories are tricky
when happy moments suddenly make you sad
they are only memories
how life was at one time
how I was at one time
I must hold on to the feelings that flood in with these freshly squeezed memories
when I was innocent, happy, free and hopeful
I can see myself, as if watching a home movie
but mostly I see things just the way they were
untouched by time, by progress
if I dive deep into my memories, I can feel the fabric of my life
I can feel my surrounding, smell the air, hear the sounds, see the history
I can be in that moment once again
when I really push myself, I can get lost in my memories
I can get lost and really feel things again
really experience things again, the way that I want to remember them
memories: flexible, pliable, and willing to be molded
taking me anywhere
Feb 11, 2011
I think in a straight line and that worries me because you cannot love that way if you look close enough you will see that love has more than straight lines it worries me that i will not be able to love well when i think straight that might be a bigger problem if i was busy thinking i'm not so i guess that everything will be okay
Feb 10, 2011
The words start to blur on the page
it seams like I've done all this before
Writing and writing
but getting nowhere
I can't tell if I've just started
or just finished
it seams like I've done all this before
Writing and writing
but getting nowhere
I can't tell if I've just started
or just finished
Feb 9, 2011
It keeps going
Life is energy
Energy is eternal
It keeps going
Life is energy
Energy is eternal
It keeps going
Feb 8, 2011
"Haiku 103" (aka Summer Grasses)
The soft wind blowing
Brown-green grasses bend and sway
The smell of summer
Feb 7, 2011
"Enjoying a can of soda"
Feb 3, 2011
"Broken heart"
I don't know if I can love
I feel so far removed
A distant memory of rain on the roof
I put my heart in a very dangerous place
I regret that, now
I should have saved it for him
He deserves it
Complete and not the pieces that remain

It was broken and stomped on
I handed out my love to people unworthy
I regret that, now
Someone get me some needle and tread
This is an emergency
I need to put my heart back together
I want to give it to him
He truly deserves it
Oh, please won't someone help
My heart is all in pieces
And I don't know if I can love like that
I feel so far removed
A distant memory of rain on the roof
I put my heart in a very dangerous place
I regret that, now
I should have saved it for him
He deserves it
Complete and not the pieces that remain

It was broken and stomped on
I handed out my love to people unworthy
I regret that, now
Someone get me some needle and tread
This is an emergency
I need to put my heart back together
I want to give it to him
He truly deserves it
Oh, please won't someone help
My heart is all in pieces
And I don't know if I can love like that
Feb 2, 2011
"A journey"
A place deep within my heart
It is a frightening journey but I am not scared
For I know that you can protect me
And guide me to safety
I know that you can bring me freedom from my monsters
I carry a sword crafted with the key to our victory
- love, caring and forgiveness
And you are my knight in shimmering splendor
Together, we can slay the beasts that haunt my heart
Then we will be free to go to that place of love
without fear
without damage
without hurt
Feb 1, 2011
"Snow globe"
I live inside a beautiful snow globe
It is quiet and serine, most of the time
Falling snow flakes are quite lovely
but when they stop, you live in fear
When will someone come along and decide
that my wonderful home is not good enough?
They pick me up with their own ideas
of how things should be,
Then they shake the hell out of my world
just to watch the snow flakes fall.
It is quiet and serine, most of the time
Falling snow flakes are quite lovely
but when they stop, you live in fear
When will someone come along and decide
that my wonderful home is not good enough?
They pick me up with their own ideas
of how things should be,
Then they shake the hell out of my world
just to watch the snow flakes fall.
Jan 31, 2011
You are an angel plucked from the heavens,
A gift of love from the creator, that was sent to us.
You are true and you shine like star, no,
like the sun in the blue-gray sky.
I am blessed with your kindness, generosity and friendship.
Thank you for keeping me in your heart.
A gift of love from the creator, that was sent to us.
You are true and you shine like star, no,
like the sun in the blue-gray sky.
I am blessed with your kindness, generosity and friendship.
Thank you for keeping me in your heart.
Jan 30, 2011
"30 reasons why I love you"
- When you look at me, you see me.
- You have beautiful eyes.
- You make me laugh, a lot.
- I love hanging out with you.
- The sound of your voice gives me butterflies.
- You are one of the smartest people that I know.
- Its easy to talk to you.
- We seam to fit together.
- You are my best friend.
- Even when I'm asking a million questions, you answer them.
- You give me courage.
- You give me strength.
- I feel good when we are together.
- I can cry in front of you.
- I can be silly with you.
- You keep me thinking.
- I can see my future in you.
- You are kind.
- You are sweet.
- You are sexy.
- You know just how to kiss me.
- You deal when I can't.
- I feel safe around you.
- You gave me your heart.
- You are fun to be around.
- I can be quiet with you.
- I can be myself with you.
- You make me feel less empty.
- You make me feel like being better.
- You make my world better.

Jan 29, 2011
"Little boxes"
Little boxes on the shelf at the top of my closet
Holding my secrets Holding my memories
My life has come down to
pictures, papers, and trinkets
in little cardboard coffins
My memories go to die
in little boxes on a shelf at the top of my closet
Holding my secrets Holding my memories
My life has come down to
pictures, papers, and trinkets
in little cardboard coffins
My memories go to die
in little boxes on a shelf at the top of my closet
Jan 28, 2011
"Good morning, Mother Earth"
Misty flowers dripping with dew
greet my toes with good morning kisses
A gentle breeze lifts the edge of my skirt
I hold myself and close my eyes
Sweet songs of morning birds serenade
the warming rays of the sun
The air is thick with lilacs and roses
I open my eyes and spread my arms
Mother Earth is greeting me
as another day begins
greet my toes with good morning kisses
A gentle breeze lifts the edge of my skirt
I hold myself and close my eyes
Sweet songs of morning birds serenade
the warming rays of the sun
The air is thick with lilacs and roses
I open my eyes and spread my arms
Mother Earth is greeting me
as another day begins
Jan 27, 2011
Jan 26, 2011
Jan 25, 2011
to the first day
of the rest of your life.
It begins
with each sunrise.
You have the choice
to go with what people tell you
or fight for what is in your heart.
Go with your heart;
it knows better.
to the first day
of the rest of your life.
It begins
with each sunrise.
You have the choice
to go with what people tell you
or fight for what is in your heart.
Go with your heart;
it knows better.
Jan 24, 2011
long - short
happy - sad
dark - light
silence - mourning
pain - suffering
release - lost
Jan 23, 2011
"New day"
I weep for those in pain.
I mourn for those with loss.
I fight for those without a voice.
I celebrate for those that feel joy.
I rejoice with the world at the birth of a new day.
I mourn for those with loss.
I fight for those without a voice.
I celebrate for those that feel joy.
I rejoice with the world at the birth of a new day.
Jan 22, 2011
I remember when life was all laid out in front of me, like an empty canvas. Still a child, full of hope, I marked out a path to take. But, the future is much too far away to see clearly. The canvas was marked again and again until my original plan is barely visible. My goal had been moved further and further down the path. I'm only a little smarter now, but I know that life should never have simply one goal or one path. We try; we fail; we succeed; we move on. Life is about living, not planning.
Jan 21, 2011
"How to get rich and make friends"
- Be yourself. Its way too hard to fight with your natural tendencies and personality.
- Think about how you want people to treat you. Now treat everyone else that way.
- Write a list of 3 people that you love to be around and 3 people that you dislike spending time around. Write all 6 people a heart-felt thank you letter, telling them that you appreciate them and why you are thankful for them; be specific with this thank you note.
- Say please, thank you, excuse me and I sorry. (This will not change your personality; I promise.)
- Remember that you are not the only person in the world, and behave as such. Draw on the part of you that is kind, caring and compassionate.
- Look at all the people in your life. Ask yourself which of these people feel like home. These are your true friends.
- Be your own friend.
- Win the lottery.
Congratulations, you are now rich and have friends!
Jan 20, 2011
1 clove of compassion
1 pound of patients
3 pinches of peace
2 lumps of love
1 1/2 teaspoons of time
1 dash of direction
8 ounces of original thinking
2 drops of decency
1 quart of quiet
1 smidgen of sanity
Mix well in a large bowl until ingredients come together. Adjust the recipe until you are satisfied with the results.
1 pound of patients
3 pinches of peace
2 lumps of love
1 1/2 teaspoons of time
1 dash of direction
8 ounces of original thinking
2 drops of decency
1 quart of quiet
1 smidgen of sanity
Mix well in a large bowl until ingredients come together. Adjust the recipe until you are satisfied with the results.
Jan 19, 2011
Jan 18, 2011
Pretty princess, in ribbons and lace.
She twirls and spins all over the place.
She looks like an angel as she does her dance.
Moving her body, parading around with a little prance.
Just like her crown, her eyes sparkle and shine.
I am so proud to call her mine.
My sweet little princess full of love and grace.
Jan 17, 2011
Today is the only day I have because
I am still waiting for tomorrow and
I am busy remembering yesterday.
Make everything out of ever day that you can;
time is a tool that only allows you to
work in the moment.
I don't know what the fickle Father Time has in store for me.
Jan 16, 2011
falling into the rabbit hole
plunging through the fear
crashing past reality
falling in love
falling into the rabbit hole
plunging through the fear
crashing past reality
falling in love
"As a child"
As a child I ran amongst the wild flowers.
We were carefree and roamed the green
earth eager to taste, feel, experience
life as we knew it has changed
childhood has morphed into a cage
safety is the number one concern
wild flower children have children of their own
fear has replaced our freedom as we pause
to carefully watch our children
don't roam but there is no time so we
cage the children for their own safety
they can learn about the world from
parents with no time to nurture and
engage our children only when necessary
plus we will always have tomorrow
to teach our children
how to be carefree
how to be eager
how to run
how to live
tomorrow will never come
for us wild flower children
fear is no way to raise a child
we only have our children for today
tomorrow they will be grown

earth eager to taste, feel, experience
life as we knew it has changed
childhood has morphed into a cage
safety is the number one concern
wild flower children have children of their own
fear has replaced our freedom as we pause
to carefully watch our children
don't roam but there is no time so we
cage the children for their own safety
they can learn about the world from
parents with no time to nurture and
engage our children only when necessary
plus we will always have tomorrow
to teach our children
how to be carefree
how to be eager
how to run
how to live
tomorrow will never come
for us wild flower children
fear is no way to raise a child
we only have our children for today
tomorrow they will be grown
Jan 15, 2011
The steady humming of the machine
the new heart beat of modern life
Linked in and powered up
plugging through the day
We are one with each other
through the machine
Sounding off in our internet nation
Connected while sitting alone
Shouting out to a world
that cannot hear us
Tangled in a net of wireless thought
We become one with the machine
a pixelized existence
The hum of the machine fades
as we become encapsulated
as the machine swallows us whole
the new heart beat of modern life
Linked in and powered up
plugging through the day
We are one with each other
through the machine
Sounding off in our internet nation
Connected while sitting alone
Shouting out to a world
that cannot hear us
Tangled in a net of wireless thought
We become one with the machine
a pixelized existence
The hum of the machine fades
as we become encapsulated
as the machine swallows us whole
Jan 14, 2011
"Machine World"
Trees come down, steel goes up
Grass is covered with ruff concrete
Animals need to be caged
Humans need to be wired
We all need to be protected from the
dangers of nature
Automated humanity is our salvation
Autonomous pixels are filling the air
Grass is covered with ruff concrete
Animals need to be caged
Humans need to be wired
We all need to be protected from the
dangers of nature
Automated humanity is our salvation
Autonomous pixels are filling the air
Jan 13, 2011
"The machine"
The clicks fade into a whirling hum
Buzzing like a dance
Work for me; think for me; be for me
This machine is my connection, my lifeline
Feed me into the spaces between the wires
I am there inside the Net;
however, I am not afraid
Humanity removed, I become code
spaces between spaces
My heart beat fades into a whirling hum
I am another internet drone
Buzzing like a dance
Work for me; think for me; be for me
This machine is my connection, my lifeline
Feed me into the spaces between the wires
I am there inside the Net;
however, I am not afraid
Humanity removed, I become code
spaces between spaces
My heart beat fades into a whirling hum
I am another internet drone
Jan 12, 2011
Alone, I am
Silence bares down upon me
Beautiful sounds of my own breath
When not thinking
I am at peace
Just me, with me, only me
I am happy alone
Silence bares down upon me
Beautiful sounds of my own breath
When not thinking
I am at peace
Just me, with me, only me
I am happy alone
Jan 11, 2011
Once again - I forgot
I missed my mark
The target is free
Once again - I forgot
I missed my mark
The target is free
Once again - I forgot
Jan 10, 2011
chaos is apparent disorder is it apparent that life follows this logic how far do we have to go before we lose sight of where we started it is simple to say that you do not understand and just go on your way but to stop and think to break something apart and really think breaking something down does not mean that you have to break it or tear it apart just stop a think thank chaos for being the catalysis for life the beginning of life when we are all too young to understand the gift that we are given and we tear it apart just stop and think we live and we die but we do not get to go back life gets disorganized it gets messy we get messy we can learn and grow and embrace the chaos in our lives if we stop and think chaos is apparent disorder but when we stop and think we discover that chaos is simply the beginning
Jan 9, 2011
"Blank text"
I lost myself here
within the spaces
between the letters
no, between the words
or maybe its the phrases
something here
caught me
I am stuck here
within the spaces
between the thoughts
the letters are my life
my life is here
in the letters
spelling it out
defining who I am
playing with who I am not
I am the words
this word is lost
I am lost
Jan 7, 2011
"Good Night"
Good night, my sweet child.
Your bright shining eyes close
as your night time journey begins.
Soft is your breath, as you turn into
the princess of a magical land, called Nod.
Dragons fly in the air among candied clouds
as crickets and katydids create garden melodies.
Will you kiss a frog or go swimming with pollywog's?
Every choice belongs to you, sleeping beauty.
Your world is your making,
but carry my love in your heart always.
Sweet dreams I bid you, my daughter;
sleep tight.
Your bright shining eyes close
as your night time journey begins.
Soft is your breath, as you turn into
the princess of a magical land, called Nod.
Dragons fly in the air among candied clouds
as crickets and katydids create garden melodies.
Will you kiss a frog or go swimming with pollywog's?
Every choice belongs to you, sleeping beauty.
Your world is your making,
but carry my love in your heart always.
Sweet dreams I bid you, my daughter;
sleep tight.
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